June 9, 2010

REALTORS: Tips on How to Overcome Stage(r) Fright

  • Recently I had a very frank phone call with a local Realtor Friend whom does a large volume in our area and we often "bounce" ideas off each other in regards to business, marketing, blogging, etc. Even though we speak frequently, I asked him point blank during the conversation, "Since you know all the benefits of my Industry (Home Staging) why is it that you've never used one?" His reply was simply, "...because some Home Owners get offended when you tell them their house looks like cr*p."

    We both shared a good laugh but this was an "ah-HA!" moment for me. Here was a Realtor who BELIEVES that presenting a home properly is imperative, who KNOWS the benefits of Home Staging, who even WANTS to get all his listings staged, even if only to declutter - he just needed some help in the delivery.

    To help him, and the rest of the Realtors who might be suffering from Stage-r Fright; here are some problem solving sollutions to ensure you are in the spotlight and on cue.

    The Casting Call: Make them want you as their Leading "Actor" (Realtor) from the very first casting call (Interview). You've come with your marketing plan, your script if you will, and you're ready to knock their socks off with all the things that you will do to make their home a block-buster.

    Called to Read: By letting them know up-front in the first meeting that Home Staging IS a service that you provide, they will ALREADY BE OPEN to the idea of a Stager coming into their home, and will actually expect it! By adding the services of a Professional Home Stager to your repartee you will stand out immediately as being up-to-date in marketing. You are immediately setting the Stage that your Home Stager will come in, spend time with them and walk them through their house with an unbiased view about how their home, in it's current state, will be perceived and viewed by potential Buyers.

    The Call Back: They want YOU as their Leading Actor/Actress; you've landed the listing - er Lead Role - you're ready to hit your mark, but before you've memorized your lines, THIS is when you call your Home Stager and ask them to be your support when going into rehearsals.

    Curtain Call: TELL your Stager about the project, TELL your Home Stager about the Audience (Home Owners) make them your PARTNER (or "bad guy") in the story line of what YOU need to have addressed. (e.g. too much clutter, pet odors, wall paper, lighting/upgrades, etc.) Let the Stager take the role of Supporting Actor on YOUR stage.

    The Professional Home Stager will dance through the home with your Home Owners, singing a happy tune about what/where/how the home will be able to be presented in it's best possible "spot" light. Well, maybe not dance, but you get the idea. Going from room-to-room, Act 1, 2, 3 (and maybe 4 or 5) the Home Stager will allow you to still be the Staring role but support your every move. From a simple walk through to de-clutter and packing to completely furnishing an empty stage (home) the Experienced Stager will be able to talk with your Home Owner about:

    •WHY their floral wall paper and country quilt should probably be adjusted and new bedding purchased.
    •About WHY their zebra striped rug and cheetah sofa probably would not show well in the Internet marketing photography.
    •About WHY it would be better that their collection of dolls from around the world would only be a major distraction for any young child who might be present with their parents while touring this lovely family home (and might get damaged/stolen in the process)

    ENCORE! ENCORE!: OK, your Sellers might not literally shower you in rose petals - but what they will believe is that you are a STAR and your performance was Oscar Worthy. They will REFER YOU to all their family and friends, co-workers and neighbors.

    The gist of this post is that by partnering with a Professional and Experienced Home Stager in your area you will be adding a vital key component to your Team and allows for the Stager to be able to correctly approach delicate subjects that maybe you are not comfortable in addressing directly yourself; without up-staging you.

    If you are an Agent, Realtor or Broker in the Los Angeles or Ventura County areas, call Platinum Home Staging, Inc. ~ We'll make sure your Seller's HOME is ready for it's "close up". If outside of Southern CA, check the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA) website for qualified referrals in your area.

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